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Sustainability Promise

Our mission: supporting and initiating US grown and organic elderberries for our awesome elderberry products, the environment, and your health! 

Our business is a love project and volunteer project -- planting plants for our future, and increasing the total number elderberries in the wild and in orchard settings. In fact, with over 235 volunteer hours wild planting in the field, and over 100 volunteer hours working in the elderberry orchard, we’ve planted hundreds of native, edible, medicinal elderberry plants!

Elderberry is the cornerstone of gardens and fields. Providing habitat, food, and shade for many creatures big and small. We have a saying around here: “Yay! More Elderberry!”

We started at Farmer's Markets in 2015 and have expanded to selling at Integrative Clinics, Organic Groceries and direct here online. The proceeds have gone into annual wild elderberry plantings, classes on DIY elderberry syrup production, planting classes, and starting native, edible, medicinal elderberry orchards along the west coast.

As the business grows, we are seeking out new places to plant elderberries and new agricultural sources of elderberries. (If you’re interested in growing elderberries, [REACH OUT])

We're super excited to announce that we've found an organic farm source for European Black Elderberries and can create clean, potent, Elderberry Products even more sustainably then just sourcing wild grown Elderberries. This allows us to expand beyond a small wild harvest and supply our growing demand.


Dr. Catie Morse

Other notes on sustainability: 

To ensure sustainability and give back to the land, Catie and her team make sure to leave plenty of berries behind for the birds and the bears. In addition, they return to the wild and plant more elderberry bushes. You can see this process highlighted on the infographic, The Journey of the Elderberry.

The importance of growing herbs in the US only increases as herbal products become more popular.

Just like all industries, creating diversity in the market - having small businesses and local businesses - will improve local economies, providing jobs and decreasing our carbon footprint.

Growing with the native and local varieties of plants will support a sustainable agricultural picture and provide fruitful crops without use of sprays and excess use of water.

Using recyclable packaging, small batch production, and sourcing locally decreases waste and fossil fuel consumption.